Procurements/List of Products

The under-listed products are offered for tendering under an International Competitive Tendering process.
The bidding process is to cover the period from January 1, 2022 until December 31, 2023. During this period all contractual obligation
must and should have been made and obligations fully complied with.

  • Medical and Hospital Devices
  • Fire Fighting Equipments / T-shirt and Safety Boots
  • Safety Life Wears (Jackets)
  • Dust Collectors and Standard Containers
  • Power Generating Sets
  • Solar Panels and Street Lighting System
  • Meat Processing Equipment
  • Road Maintainer/li>
  • Stainless Steel Coils
  • Physical/Mechanical Testing Machines
  • Filling Machine and Dispersing Emulsifier
  • Excavators and Construction Machines
  • Agricultural Tractors, Inputs and Trailers
  • CCTV Cameras and Security Equipments
  • CNC and Sawing Machines
  • Urine Bags
  • Fertilizers and Rice
  • Military Hardware, Arms and Ammunitions
  • Water Energy Meter and Grabber
  • Eletric Motor Glider Sustainer
  • Flanges / Steel and Pipes
  • Dental/Surgical/Medical Equipment and Supplies
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Rapid Test Modular & Precise Instrument
  • Washing and Sewing Machine